Grants available for warm welcome spaces in Adur and Worthing this winter

Released: Monday, 30 October 2023

Last year a host of community groups and organisations across Adur and Worthing opened their doors to help residents struggling with the cost of living crisis keep warm.

Using funding from Adur & Worthing Councils, 29 venues including community centres, schools, churches, cinemas and museums offered people the opportunity to stay warm while socialising and taking part in activities. There was even the chance to watch films for free at Connaught Cinema in Worthing as part of its warm space offering.

This year, we are encouraging more groups to open warm welcome spaces that are accessible, safe and free for anyone to visit. 

Grants of up to £500 are now available to help groups set up a warm welcome space as well as use to offset energy costs, staff and volunteer expenses, and the purchase or hire of resources, including kettles and craft materials. 

We are particularly keen to support our community centres and hubs in Adur and Worthing that can open during the evening and at weekends. Areas where a gap in existing provision has been identified or where there is local need will be prioritised.

Cllr Kevin Boram, Adur’s cabinet member for communities and wellbeing, said:

“It was extremely rewarding to see how many groups welcomed residents into their warm community spaces last year. These spaces have also become great community meeting places. We are mindful that this does come at a cost, so we are happy that we are once again able to support groups to open their venues up as warm welcome spaces, in addition to their normal activity.”

Cllr Carl Walker, the deputy leader of Worthing Borough Council, said:

“The cost of living crisis is still having an impact on people’s daily lives and this will only worsen during the winter months. Warm welcome spaces ensure there is somewhere local for everyone in our community to get warm, stay warm and enjoy a bit of company.”

The closing date for applications is Friday 10th November. To find out more and apply, visit:

A handy map of all the warm space venues across Adur and Worthing will be available to view on our website once they begin to open - meaning residents can easily find one close to where they live. 

PR23-150 - Cost of Living


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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